About us

What is the READY School Finder

The READY School Finder is a resource hub that facilitates the school search process for families across Rochester, equipping parents and caregivers with information on Rochester’s schools from various sources.

The READY School Finder is one component of READY’s comprehensive strategy to increase the number of quality seats and schools in Rochester.

If we provide families with an accessible, easy-to-understand knowledge base about public school options, Rochester’s school selection and enrollment processes will be more equitable.

Meet the Parents Behind READY School Finder!

Meet the parents who crafted the READY School Finder, a tool that will make it easy for families to pick the right school for their children. Over the course of several months these leaders explored publicly available information on schools in our community and worked to design a tool to help Rochester – Candace Cabralfamilies navigate our public school systems.

“I’m excited for us to be a part of the first pilot the READY School Finder. It will be beneficial because parents just like myself who are not from Rochester will be able to look up information on schools when making choices for their kids… it will be a great tool for myself for my children. It will be a blessing to our community!”

– Candace Cabral

“I want to be a part of developing school finder because I am thinking of how to make the process easy for other parents. I also in the past have experienced the difficulty in finding the right school for my 11yr old daughter and even now transitioning her into middle school. Having this tool can have so many positive impacts to a child’s education and emotional well-being. It will help lessen the challenges for  parents who are just trying to see their legacy win.”

– Kamariah Douglas

“As a newcomer to Rochester, it was extremely difficult to find information about schools for our daughter. Developing a School Finder allows me to help families find the best school for their children within the RCSD.”

– Kamsinya Hall

“It’s about access and equity. All families should have access to information on our schools that is easy to understand. As the mother of a high-schooler who has attended multiple schools in attempt to finding the best fit, I am committed to making sure Rochester’s parents have equitable access to information as they navigate our systems.”

– Keyla Quinones

“Yo decidí ser parte de READY School Finder porque yo se la importancia de tener opciones para escoger cuando tiene que ver con la educación de nuestros niños. Yo soy la experta de mis niñas, las conozco mejor que nadie y se lo que es mejor para ellas. Educación debe ser individualizada, no todos los niños aprenden de la misma manera y tener opciones nos asegura que cada niño ha de recibir la educación que necesita y se merece, y cada padre tiene opciones para escoger.”

– Maria Cruz

“Every child deserves to be part of an educational system that nurtures the entire child and supports their success. My hope through the development of the READY School Finder is to create equity and access for all of our scholars and their families. I’m excited to be part of such an AMAZING project with other Parent Leaders and look forward to showing our children how much they matter to the community.”

– Monica Graham

“Developing a READY School Finder is important to me because in both my personal and professional experience I have seen firsthand that it is greatly needed. This tool will help educate families in the community on what the available school options are, as well as help professionals assist the community on making school choices based on their families needs.”

– Tiffany Howard

“I want the very best for my daughter and I want to know which schools will prepare her for college. I look forward to being a part of the School Finder pilot team to learn about all of Rochester’s schools and help other families make informed choices for their children. There is over $1B allocated to public education in our community, and we should know what it buys our families – which schools are serving our children and how they are performing.”

– Shineque Cunningham

“The School Finder is a valuable resource for families that will assist in making the delicate decision of selecting a school for their child. “

– Tianna Johnson

“We must provide parents with meaningful information to select schools that will meet the needs of their children – including information on how our schools are performing and preparing our children to excel in college and life. I want the School Finder to be a time-saving resource for families and an information hub for our community.”

– LaShana Boose