School mission
Eugenio María de Hostos Charter School has been serving the Rochester community for over 20 years as a free, public educational institution of excellence.
PRIDE (Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Dedication and Excellence) is the focus of our Habits of Character which come to life at each campus. At EMHCS the faculty, staff, and students view themselves as self-reflective, continuous learners. Students are taught that in order to succeed, you need to believe in your ability to learn. Then you need to work hard to gain skills and knowledge. Therefore, the school’s motto is “Believe, Achieve, Succeed.”
The faculty and staff at EMHCS work diligently to achieve the school’s mission of preparing students to meet and/or exceed the New York State standards in core subject areas and becoming bi-literate in both English and Spanish. Our vision is if a child cannot learn the way we teach, then we will learn to teach the way the child can learn. The instruction is delivered in a workshop model where teachers begin with a focused, standards-based, explicit mini-lesson, followed by a differentiated work period that enables students to practice their new learning. Students are then brought together for a closing debrief and an opportunity to reflect on their learning. During centers, teachers and paraprofessionals lead rigorous instruction that supports the development of higher-order cognitive and critical thinking skills and challenges students to defend and elaborate on their answers.
Before & after school care/programs
No data available
Academic programs available
- EL Education (formerly known as Expeditionary Learning)
Services offered
- English As a New Language
- Bilingual Program
- Dual Language Program
Special Education Program Offerings
No programs available
Clubs offered
- Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute
- Dance Club
- Book Club
- Sports ClubArt Club
- Lego Robotics
- Drumming ClubCulture Club
- Chess Club
- Music Club
- Math Enrichment
- English Enrichment
Sports offered
No data available
Student enrollment
Enrollment by race and ethnicity
Enrollment by gender
Students enrolled with disabilities
Students enrolled as English Language Learners
Staff info.
Staff counts
Teachers by race and ethnicity
Teacher turnover rate
NYSED English Language Arts results i
2023/2024 Performance compared to District & State
Percentage of students passing
2023/2024 Proficiency by student groups
Students with disabilities
Economically disadvantaged
English language learners
By race
Suppression is applied to the data displayed in school performance profiles to maintain confidentiality of students. In general, suppression is applied when the denominator is 0 to 5 students for one or more subsets (grade levels, cohort). However, other rules are applied when necessary to further ensure confidentiality. Source: https://data.nysed.gov/businessrules.php?type=reportcards.
NYSED Math results i
2023/2024 Performance compared to District & State
Percentage of students passing
2023/2024 Proficiency by student groups
Students with disabilities
Economically disadvantaged
English language learners
By race
Suppression is applied to the data displayed in school performance profiles to maintain confidentiality of students. In general, suppression is applied when the denominator is 0 to 5 students for one or more subsets (grade levels, cohort). However, other rules are applied when necessary to further ensure confidentiality. Source: https://data.nysed.gov/businessrules.php?type=reportcards.
Student engagement
Attendance rate
Dropout rate
Additional data
NYSED Report Card dataKey dates & Deadlines
Families are encouraged to complete an application to participate in the School Choice Lottery on or before the deadline.
How to apply
Eugenio Maria de Hostos Charter School is not bound by attendance zone boundaries set by the Rochester City School District, enabling students living within the Rochester area to apply without any limitations.
School Choice is Your Choice! To apply now, visit: www.GoodSchoolsRoc.org. For assistance with the GoodSchoolsRoc Application Portal, please call the HelpLine at 585-491-9777.
Disclaimer: Please be advised that the information provided on this website may not encompass all details for certain schools. The completeness of data depends on publicly available information and input from the respective schools.