7:30 a.m.
-2:00 p.m.
School mission
Starting in September 2024, RCSD schools will be reconfigured to align with a new grade structure (PreK-6, 7-8, 9-12). This school program and/or location is impacted by the RCSD Comprehensive School Reconfiguration Plan.
We at Montessori “Believe in the Child” and work collaboratively with parents and all stakeholders to provide the best education for all of our children. Our mission is to provide students with a safe, secure and nurturing learning environment that promotes the well-being of the whole child. Montessori Academy applies the methodology and application of Montessori; while implementing Next Generation Learning Standards. Our goal is to prepare students to be college and career bound, as well as productive citizens in the community in which they live.
Before & after school care/programs
No data available
Academic programs available
- Montessori Lessons
Services offered
No data available
Special Education Program Offerings
- Consultant Teacher (CT)
- Resource Room (RR)
Clubs offered
No data available
Sports offered
No data available
Student enrollment
Enrollment by race and ethnicity
Enrollment by gender
Students enrolled with disabilities
Students enrolled as English Language Learners
Staff info.
Staff counts
Teachers by race and ethnicity
Teacher turnover rate
NYSED English Language Arts results i
2023/2024 Performance compared to District & State
Percentage of students passing
2023/2024 Proficiency by student groups
Students with disabilities
Economically disadvantaged
English language learners
By race
Suppression is applied to the data displayed in school performance profiles to maintain confidentiality of students. In general, suppression is applied when the denominator is 0 to 5 students for one or more subsets (grade levels, cohort). However, other rules are applied when necessary to further ensure confidentiality. Source: https://data.nysed.gov/businessrules.php?type=reportcards.
NYSED Math results i
2023/2024 Performance compared to District & State
Percentage of students passing
2023/2024 Proficiency by student groups
Students with disabilities
Economically disadvantaged
English language learners
By race
Suppression is applied to the data displayed in school performance profiles to maintain confidentiality of students. In general, suppression is applied when the denominator is 0 to 5 students for one or more subsets (grade levels, cohort). However, other rules are applied when necessary to further ensure confidentiality. Source: https://data.nysed.gov/businessrules.php?type=reportcards.
Student engagement
Attendance rate
Dropout rate
Additional data
NYSED Report Card dataKey dates & Deadlines
Families are encouraged to complete an application to participate in the School Choice Lottery on or before the deadline.
How to apply
Montessori Academy School No. 53 is a Citywide School.
The Office of Student Equity & Placement staff will assist families with every step of the registration process. Staff can also provide families with information about the schools available to their children to help them make an informed choice. Please view the list of acceptable documents and proof of residency requirements necessary to register a child in the Rochester City School District, www.rcsdk12.org.
Disclaimer: Please be advised that the information provided on this website may not encompass all details for certain schools. The completeness of data depends on publicly available information and input from the respective schools.